Sunday, April 15, 2007

Friendship can be in many kinds:
  1. someone is always giving and the other person not taking
  2. someone always giving and the other person taking but did not show
  3. someone is always giving more and the other person less
  4. someone giving and the other person also give some in return

for 1. - dat someone will give as much as possible at first but will eventually get tired and let go.

for 2. - dat someone will not knoe if the other person care abt this frenship anot. May stay on but may also let go.

for 3. - This friendship will last if dat someone really treasure the friend and does not mind giving more.

for 4. - This friendship may be a true one if the giving and taking last...

In different friendships, U may be dat someone or u may be the other person.

Only U know which category u belong to.

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